Prayer and Praise - September 21, 2006
- Praise God. . . for His hand on the young couple staying with us these current weeks, Emma and Roland. They moved in with us last Tuesday and by Saturday Emma went into labor. They arrived at the birthing clinic just in time, because accordin to the midwife, she was already 9cm dilated! God gave then a 6lb baby boy, whom they named Adrian.
- Please pray. . . for God to draw this couple closer to Himself. One surprise with little Adrien is that he was born with a cleft palate! In God's perfect plan he had given us experience with another little boy's cleft palate just weeks earlier, so Sean was able to encourage the couple right then and there by sharing first hand how very easily corrected cleft palates are. He even happened to have the "after" photos of Angelo in his cell phone - so was able to show the young father and mother the encouraging photos right on the spot.
- Praise God . . . that Tyler is doing much better now with his asthma, but please continue to pray for him as he continues to have coughing and the sniffles.
- Please Pray . . . For our dear friend Pastor Roger. He has some blood clotting in his head as a result of a stroke from last year. Pray that God would give him comfort and healing. Pray also for Michael Roger, 7 years old, who will be undergoing an operation today for enlarged tonsils and adenoid which are causing sleep apnea in him.
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